Your chance slotting home is bigger
Mujeeb Hasan Mohamed
Department of Banking and Financial Sciences
Cihan University-Erbil
A youthful the trend of digital commerce through home quarantine Some young people went to the "Your Chance at Home" the initiative launched by the World Relief and Development Authority (ANSR) in partnership with Channels to qualify 1,000 Arab young entrepreneurs under the home stone and train them to practice e-commerce and provide the initiative to every young person enrolled in e-commerce training, tools, and e-marketing, in addition to providing a free online store for each trainee to start his project. The initiative also provides professionals with tools, such as providing goods and shipping services and delivering everything a young person needs to start with his online store project.
E-commerce is one of the emerging sectors in the Arab region and the Middle East, and it’s the market is growing and is the fastest in the world, with statistics indicating that e-commerce profits have nearly quadrupled from 2015 to early 2020 in the Arabian Gulf region, and is expected to rise significantly in the face of the new Coronavirus pandemic crisis "Coved 19".
According to reports from various digital trading organizations, the total value of this the market in the Arab world by the beginning of 2020 was about $7 billion and is expected to jump to about $13.4 billion during the year.
Products related to fashion, health, cosmetics, electronics, and books account for the bulk of their sales.
In this crisis also, it is necessary to refer to bank services, especially digital banks which is regarding as the corner stone to assist the E-Commerce, today banks used many digital methods like(electric cards, smart chip, Debit &credit cards)