The need for a new system of hygienic quarantine measures to protect public health from pandemic coronavirus COVID-19
Dr. Yonis Salahalden
Department of Law
Cihan University - Erbil
The latest world-wide dissemination and outbreak of pandemic coronavirus COVID-19 proved the urgent needs and requirements to enact a new new system of hygienic quarantine measures both in Iraq and Kurdistan region equally. It is worth-mentioning that the current system of hygienic quarantine measures No. 6 of 1992 is featured or characterized by a lot of shortcomings and weaknesses, owing to many reasons: first of all it has been enacted at the end of the last century to meet some epidemics, which are less dangerous than pandemic coronavirus COVID-19 , with lesser ability to disseminate or proliferate than COVID-19 . secondly; it has been put into effect to meet epidemics, rather than pandemics. We can conclude this fact from reading the text of section (15) of the first article of the system, which enumerates some epidemics, able to disseminate, rather than pandemic coronavirus COVID-19 , which has the ability to disseminate or proliferate in a short period of time. The epidemics mentioned in this section with the incubation period required for each one are as follows: Plague (6 days). Smallpox (5 days). Yellow fever (6 days). Acute haemorrhagic fever (12 days). Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS (3 months). Thirdly; the old system of hygienic quarantine measures No. 6 of 1992 neglected to regulate many important such matters as hygienic separation, logistics and accommodation of separated and suspected persons. Fourthly; this system does not regulate the status of a comprehensive and far-reaching curfew, but it is restricted to the limited measures to manage the proliferation of the afore-mentioned epidemics. For example, the first section of the article (24) provides that (The aircraft will not be considered as coming from polluted local region, only for its flying over this region, as long as it landed in a non-polluted international airport). Fifthly; the system is more focused on both the air and water pollution than the proliferation of pandemics. After presenting the shortcomings and weaknesses of the current system of hygienic quarantine measures No. 6 of 1992 still in force, I recommend that a new system be enacted to conform with a far-flung pandemic such as coronavirus COVID-19. The new system should include and organize three important matters, that is to say, hygienic separation, logistics and accommodation of separated and suspected persons. All these measures must be taken into consideration in conformity with the criteria of the world health organization. The new suggested system should take all the arrangements to prepare a suitable place as a hygienic quarantine. The provision of the logistics needed for the people separated in the hygienic quarantine, due to the suspicion of having coronavirus COVID-19. As far as the hygienic quarantine itself is concerned, the new system should also provides for the preparation of wide well-ventilated separation rooms, each containing water closet (WC) and lavatory. If the hygienic quarantine takes the form of ward, the distance between two beds should not be less than one meter. As far as logistics are concerned, pure water, food, medical equipments, laboratories, gloves, masks and other pharmaceutical supplies should be available incessantly. The new system should also provides for well-established environmental criteria, such as the rapid elimination and disposition of the garbage and the far-flung cleaning of buildings, streets and the infrastructure.