Why Do COVID 19 Patients May Need physiotherapy
Dr. Rasha Mohammed Abdulsattar Physiotherapy department
Cihan Univeristy-Erbil
Infection with COVID-19, the illness that comes from the recently discovered coronavirus, and because the health workers are focused on the general health and wellbeing of the community. . Precautionary measures have been put in place to lessen the spread of the virus, but experts are also warning of the importance to recognize symptoms to avoid potentially deadly complications. coronavirus, may be relatively mild and manageable at home
That’s true for most people. But if you’re older or have another illness such as diabetes or heart disease, you’re more at risk for the serious form of COVID-19. Since COVID-19 affects more the elderly, patients with prior neurological conditions are at an increased risk of encephalopathy on initial presentation.
Some people (about 1 in 6) will have complications, a proportion of cases have been critically unwell, requiring hospitalization with organ failure. including some that are life-threatening. Those complications may include the following.: respiratory failure, severe pneumonia, septicemia, disseminated intravascular coagulation, heart problems and rhabdomyolysis. As expected, these may need a special health care or physiotherapy after recovery.
Physiotherapy would be needed because when you have acute respiratory failure, your lungs might not pump enough oxygen into your blood or might not take enough carbon dioxide because it had collapsed.
While in pneumonia, the lungs would be filled with fluid, pus, and cell debris. COVID-19 also could cause cardiac problems that last long after people have recovered from the coronavirus infection as the virus itself may affect patients’ hearts, or simply because the illness caused such stress on their bodies overall.
This is an extremely rare condition, but it’s one that COVID-19 researchers are monitoring. In rhabdomyolysis. To save yourself from complications in case you get the infection, boost up your lung power with these tips . We share a few breathing exercises that will make your lungs and chest stronger.
1)Breathe in, hold, breath out
2)stretch your ribs
3)Abdominal Breathing,
these exercises make your body stronger, improves the circulation and, reduces the lung fluids and boosts your immunity.