Economic recovery from the Coronavirus Crisis
Mujeeb Hasan Mohamed
Department of Banking and Financial Sciences
Cihan University-Erbil
Perhaps the world can, after a short period of time, eradicate the Corona virus from a health aspect as a result of the set of remedial and preventive procedures that the whole world is mobilizing to achieve.
However, the reality is the economic effects and the recovery period that the global economy needs to get rid of the economic effects of the epidemic, and in this regard, there are three scenarios for the recovery period, which are:
Scenario V, which is an optimistic scenario, which means that the period of climb and recovery is similar to the letter V, where the economic path will take the form of the upward part of the letter, meaning that the recovery will be rapid.
The realistic scenario: which takes the form of the letter U, that is, the recovery and ascending period needs a certain period, which is the most realistic scenario.
The pessimistic scenario: It is the scenario that takes the shape of the letter L, meaning that the horizontal part of the letter does not have certain time limits.
Despite these scenarios, the sure thing is that the package of policies and procedures that must be adhered to by governments and individuals alike is a return to the application of the so-called (subsistence economy), i.e. consumption of minimum levels of macro-economic level and its procedures necessary to survive and these goods have the priority in (Maslow's ladder), and if this strategy is applied, the economy at the level of countries or individuals will recover faster when individuals and societies get rid of the unbridled desire for mass consumption, and humanity returns to the conviction and they will repeat this saying )And the soul is willing if it desires ... and if it is returned to a little, it will convince(.