Coronavirus Disease Crisis and Prevent

Dr.Muhsin Hmeadi Ubeid
Biology Department
Cihan University-Erbil

Viruses or fevers (singularly a virus or fevers in Latin (Virus and Greek (toxin) or (poison)) is a small pathogen that can only reproduce inside living cells.

Viruses are not living organisms consisting of DNA and RNA in the form of long molecules that carry Genetics information as a protein membrane protects these genes. Some are surrounded by adipose envelope surrounding them when they are outside the host cell. But when they are absorbed by the cells of the mucous membrane of the eye, nose, or buccal, they change the genetic code (mutation) and turns it into invading cells and multiplied.

Since the virus is not a living organism and not a cell like bacteria but a protein molecule, it does not kill but rather decomposes on its own. The dissociation time depends on the temperature, humidity; type of material in which it is located and the virus is very fragile; the only thing that protects it is its thin outer layer of fat.

Coronavirus 2019 is a new strain of the Corona virus that was identified and recently discovered for the first time in Wuhan in Hubei province in China. There was no knowledge of the existence of this virus and its disease before the outbreak of outbreak in China city of Wuhan in at December 2019. This disease was previously called "2019 novel coronavirus" or "nCoV-2019". 'COVID-19' is a new virus associated with the same family of viruses that causes SARS-CoV and some types of common cold Influenza (flu). COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by Corona virus.

Corona-viruses are a large group of viruses that are common among bats and animals. Examples include the Corona virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which has been associated with civet cats, and the Corona virus, the respiratory syndrome in the Middle East, which has transmitted through camels. People rarely become infected with these viruses, but when infected then pass on to others. Possible animal infectious sources of Covid-19 disease have not been confirmed, despite evidence that the bat is the vector.

Heat dissolves fat; that's why it's good to use hot water to wash hands, clothes, and everything. In addition, hot water produces more foam which makes it more useful. That is why any soap or detergent is the best method of prevention, because the foam removes and dissolving the fat layer then, the protein molecule disperses and dissolves on its own.

Alcohol or any mixture containing more than 65% alcohol removes any fats, especially the outer fat layer of the virus. The virus does not infect unless the respiratory system enters.

The virus dies with a high temperature and cannot pass through healthy skin. Viruses are very stable in cold weather or cold surfaces, such as air conditioners for homes and cars. It also needs moisture and dark environments to remain stable. Therefore, dry, warm and bright environments will deteriorate the virus faster. It degrades porous surfaces such as fabric and wood faster than metal or smooth surfaces.

Avoid touching the mucosal tissue of your body, you have to wash your hands before and after, foods, locks, knobs, keys, remote controls, cell phones, watches, computers, offices, TV, etc., Also when you are using the bathroom. When visiting live animal markets, you should avoid direct contact with animals and animal contact surfaces.

Be sure to follow a good food safety practices at all times by exercising due diligence when dealing with raw meat, raw milk and animal organs to avoid contamination of uncooked food and avoid eating raw or undercooked animal products.

God bless you all the time.